Fragile Suisse

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Fragile Suisse
purpose Support with brain injuries
Chair: Mark Maeder
Establishment date: 1990
Seat : Zurich

Fragile Suisse ( spelling FRAGILE Suisse ) is an association that supports people with brain injuries and their families across Switzerland . The organization consists of an umbrella organization in Zurich and Lausanne as well as eleven regional associations that cover all of Switzerland . The non-profit organization offers social counseling, assisted living, courses and training. In addition, Fragile Suisse informs and sensitizes the public on the subject of brain injuries and publishes topic-specific information brochures.

The eleven regional associations organize self-help groups , meeting places and leisure activities. They have a total of 6,169 members and run around 70 self-help groups and meeting points.

Fragile Suisse and its regional associations are mainly financed by donations and bear the Zewo seal of approval.


In 1987, the psychologist Erika Schwob and former classmates founded the "Association for Brain Injured People and Their Relatives and Friends". The first self-help groups followed in Bern, Zurich, Lucerne and Eastern Switzerland. Three years later, on June 23, 1990, the Swiss Association for Brain Injured People (SVHM) was officially founded in the Inselspital Bern . Over the next few years, more and more self-help groups were set up in other regions within the association. In 1996 the name was changed to Fragile Suisse. The Swiss-wide association, active in Zurich, was recognized as an umbrella organization by the Federal Social Insurance Office a year later .

Fragile Suisse has been offering courses and training for those affected, relatives and specialists since 2001. The helpline was opened in 2003, where social work experts answer questions and concerns of all kinds free of charge. In 2005 the “Accompanied Living” offer was added. The eleventh and currently newest regional association Fragile Valais was founded in 2018. Since 2019, the association has been offering an awareness workshop for organizations with the “Self-awareness brain injury” course. In 2020 the Fragile Family website was published, on which the children of affected parents can find age-appropriate information and explanatory videos.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Fragile Suisse , accessed on May 22, 2020.
  2. Annual Report 2018 , accessed on May 22, 2020.
  3. , accessed on May 22, 2020.
  4. Fragile Suisse , accessed on May 22, 2020.
  5. , accessed on May 22, 2020.