Francesco Mezzadri

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Francesco Mezzadri is an Italian mathematical physicist.

Mezzadri earned his Laureate Degree from the University of Parma and received his PhD from the University of Bristol with Jonathan Keating in 1999 (Boundary Conditions for Torus Maps and Spectral Statistics). He is a professor in Bristol.

He deals with the theory of random matrices (including the connection with the quantum entropy of spin chains), quantum chaos and statistical mechanics.

In 2018 he received the Fröhlich Prize .

Fonts (selection)

  • with JP Keating, JM Robbins: Quantum boundary conditions for torus maps, Nonlinearity, Volume 12, 1999, p. 579
  • with JP Keating: Pseudo-symmetries of Anosov maps and spectral statistics, Nonlinearity, Volume 13, 2000, p. 747
  • with JP Keating: Random matrix theory and entanglement in quantum spin chains, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 252, 2004, pp. 543-579
  • with Nina Snaith (Ed.): Recent perspectives in random matrix theory and number theory, Cambridge UP 2005
  • with JP Keating: Entanglement in quantum spin chains, symmetry classes of random matrices, and conformal field theory, Phys. Rev. Letters, Volume 94, 2005, p. 050501
  • Editor with J. Brian Conrey , DW Farmer, Nina Snaith: Ranks of elliptic curves and random matrix theory, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 341, Cambridge UP 2007
  • How to generate random matrices from the classical compact groups, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 54, 2007, pp. 592-604
  • with AR Its , MY Mo: Entanglement entropy in quantum spin chains with finite range interaction, Communications in Math. Phys., Volume 284, 2008, pp. 117-185
  • with LJ Brightmore, MY Mo: A matrix model with a singular weight and Painlevé III , Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 333., 2015, pp. 1317–1364
  • with NJ Simm: Tau-function theory of chaotic quantum transport with beta = 1,2,4 , Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 324, 2013, pp. 465-513

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Francesco Mezzadri in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used