Women's emergency call

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Women's emergency calls are specialized advice centers on the subject of rape and other forms of sexual violence against women and girls. The offers include free advice, crisis intervention , process support as well as prevention and public relations work.

Mission statement and goals

Women's emergency calls have been involved nationwide in the field of sexual violence since the 1980s. These initiatives have their roots in the women's movement , which liberated the subject from the social taboo for the first time. Sexualized male violence is understood as an expression of social power relations. The long-term goals of the work are therefore to change the structural causes of violence and to establish a self-determined and non-violent reality for women and girls. The work's principles of action are to improve the situation of those affected, to develop new perspectives in life through various offers of help and to raise public awareness of the topic of sexual violence.

Organizational structure and working principles

Women's emergency calls are run by independent, non-profit associations in which only women work for women and girls. You are independent of any party or denomination. Depending on the local circumstances, women's emergency calls are organized as an independent advice center or jointly with women's advice centers or women 's shelters . The focus of the work is on the wishes, interests and concerns of the women and girls concerned. The consultation is free of charge, anonymously if requested, and takes place in a protected atmosphere. The employees are subject to confidentiality. Good accessibility, short waiting times, coordinated consultation appointments and low threshold are further organizational principles of the women's emergency calls.

Infrastructure and networking

The facilities are integrated into a network of local, regional and supra-regional institutions. This networking enables fast and unbureaucratic help in individual cases as well as the implementation of comprehensive aid concepts that include different skills and qualifications. The intensive exchange within working groups with the police, judiciary and politics contributes to an improvement of the legal framework and the expansion of victim protection.

Women's emergency call Münster

One example is the women's emergency call in Münster, which was founded in 1982 as a non-profit organization. This offers support and advice for affected women and girls, supportive caregivers and specialists in all forms of sexual violence. These include rape within and outside of marriage and partnership, sexual harassment on the street, on the phone, on the Internet, at work, in training or at school, as well as forced prostitution and forced pornography. In addition to advice, crisis intervention and the transfer of information, process support, trauma therapy and aid campaigns like Luisa is here also count ! , Prevention and advanced training for the women's emergency call in Münster. The goal of counteracting sexual violence in the long term and expressing the corresponding demands for legal and social changes is pursued by means of effective publicity measures such as contributions in the press, radio and TV, the dissemination of information material and the implementation of information stands and public events. The Women's Emergency Call Münster conducts information campaigns on topics such as knockout drops , sexual harassment on the Internet and sexual violence among young people. It is financed through public funds from the city and state as well as donations.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. LAG of autonomous women's emergency calls in NRW: mission statements, goals and working principles

Web links