Women's Church of Central Switzerland

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FrauenKirche Zentralschweiz is a Swiss association whose goals include the promotion of feminist theology and the "resistance to patriarchal power in church and society".

The association, which is politically independent and ecumenically oriented, was founded in 1989 and, according to the association, has around 350 members. It accepts both women and men as members.

The purpose of the association is equality between men and women in society, the modern role of father in families, the fight against domestic violence, sexual exploitation in the workplace and other topics.

The reason for the foundation was the First Lucerne Women's Church Day on June 27, 1987. 170 women had called for a lobby group that advocates for women-specific issues in the churches on an ecumenical level. In the following years the association achieved national recognition in Switzerland. Since 2006 he has headed the Feminist Theology department, which is subsidized by the Roman Catholic Church of the Canton of Lucerne and the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of Lucerne and by the Catholic Church Community of Lucerne. The department offers seminars and courses with a focus on feminist theology, organizes events and advises on theological issues.

The association organizes various activities and especially church services on certain life situations, such as the ecumenical worship service for divorced and separated people.

In 2006 the association sharply criticized the fact that the body of the newly established Swiss Council of Religions was made up exclusively of men.

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