Women's advancement award of the city of Nuremberg

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The City of Nuremberg's Women's Advancement Prize is an award for women or projects that have made a name for themselves in promoting equality for women in Nuremberg . A distinction is made between the following categories: the world of work, journalism , culture , politics , science , volunteering . The city of Nuremberg has awarded the prize annually since 1990 and every two years since 1996 and is endowed with 4,000 euros. The city council of Nuremberg decides on the award of the prize.

Award winners / excellent projects


JADWIGA Nuremberg, who campaign for the rights of victims of trafficking in women, and Kassandra eV, a counseling center for prostitutes


Museum of Women's Culture Regional - International, Fürth. The museum repeatedly presents interesting connections between different cultures or contemporary events from the perspective of women.


Annelie Matthiesen for her volunteer work in women's politics


Martine Herpers, initiator of the Nuremberg Resolution

Saadet youth housing community of the AWO Kreisverband Nürnberg eV, Nuremberg


Mädchentreff eV, supporting girls on their way from school to work


thick and thin eV - Advice for women with eating disorders, Nuremberg

Women's Health Center eV, Nuremberg


Monika Gerhardinger, for the project management “Girls for Technology Camps”, bbw Bildungswerk der Bayer. Wirtschaft eV, Munich

Christa Oberth, for the project management “Girls just do IT! - Career choice with a future ”, Bayer's professional training centers. Economy (bfz), Nuremberg


Petra Nossek-Bock, journalist, for reporting on women's issues


Petra Semmert, Women's Computer School, Nuremberg

Master women in handicrafts Nuremberg eV, Brigitte Schober, chairwoman

Web links


  1. Homepage of the Women's Advancement Award of the City of Nuremberg, accessed on March 3, 2015
  2. ^ Building a cultural bridge, Nürnberger Nachrichten, March 28, 2014
  3. ^ Women's advancement award for a refuge, Nürnberger Nachrichten, November 10, 2009