Freedom toaster

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Freedom Toaster in Aberystwyth

Freedom Toaster are in easily accessible public places in different countries (at the beginning only in South Africa established) fuel stations with which the user charge their own copies of various open source -Softwarepaketen and other free content on brought CD - or DVD can burn blanks .

The Freedom Toaster Project serves as a means of overcoming the difficulties that arise due to the poor internet infrastructure in South Africa when it comes to downloading Linux or other open source software.

The project is financed by the Shuttleworth Foundation, founded by Mark Shuttleworth in October 2000 .

At the beginning of 2007, the first such public burning station in Germany called the Flying Toaster was set up in building 9914 of the Birkenfeld environmental campus .

Web links

Commons : Freedom Toaster  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pro-Linux announcement