Fridolin Jehle

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Fridolin Jehle (* 1908 in Säckingen ; † 1976 ibid) was a German historian and local researcher.


Fridolin Jehle studied in Basel , Freiburg im Breisgau and Vienna . There he studied history and classical philology. He obtained his doctorate in Vienna in 1931 with the dissertation “The Development of Legal Relationships between the Abbey and the City of Säckingen.” Until his death in 1976 he studied the history of his homeland and wrote numerous papers and essays on it. From 1946 to 1950 he was mayor of the city of Säckingen. He was a member of the Fricktalisch-Baden Association for Local Studies.

Fonts (selection)

  • The history of Säckingen Abbey and City, 1968
  • History of the city of Laufenburg, manuscript, (published as a book in 1979)
  • St. Fridolin, his work and his charisma
  • Numerous newspaper articles
  • Wehr - A local history with contributions by Erich F. Hampich and Dr. Ludwig Schnitzler, Wehr (Baden) 1969

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