Frieda Brock

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Frieda Brock in 1889

Frieda Brock ( December 2, 1873 in Berlin - June 4, 1943 ibid) was a German child actress and stage actress .


Brock, the daughter of actress Helene Brock , was used on stage at an early age and has played children's roles such as "Karl" in Götz von Berlichingen , "Walter Tell" etc. with great success .

She never attended a theater school, and it was precisely the fact that she had a natural ability, not restricted by the usual convention, that made her performances appear all the more commendable. Growing up, she came to the Stadttheater in Görlitz, Lübeck, and from there to Magdeburg as a youthful naive, where she saw Director Lautenburg in the role of "Beate" in the drop of poison , recognized her talent and immediately engaged for the Residenztheater in Berlin. Right at her first appearance as "Ännchen" in her youth , she received stormy applause and played this role over 300 times with general recognition. She was no less popular as "Hedwig", as "Lene" in the crested lark , even if it was described as an extraordinary achievement of her rich repertoire The Prodigal Son . In 1898 she moved to the Schiller Theater.

Her further artistic life is unknown, she died in 1943.
