Friedrich Wetzel (SS member)

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Friedrich Wetzel in American internment. Photo from 1945.
The former Dachau inmate Helmuth Breiding identified Friedrich Wetzel on November 22, 1945 during the main Dachau trial

Friedrich Julius Wetzel (born June 14, 1909 in Wittenburg ; † unknown) was a German SS-Hauptsturmführer and, as an administrative leader, head of the site administration of various concentration camps .


Wetzel, a member of the SS , was administrative manager in the Niederhagen concentration camp from mid-December 1942 to April 18, 1943 and then in the same position until the end of July 1944 in the Neuengamme concentration camp . At the beginning of August 1944, Wetzel was transferred to the Dachau concentration camp , again as administrative manager, where he worked until April 28, 1945.

Wetzel's task in the administrative area was the procurement and distribution of food, clothing and necessities in the Niederhagen, Neuengamme and Dachau concentration camps. He was therefore partly responsible for the inadequate supply situation for the prisoners in these concentration camps.

On November 15, 1945 Wetzel in Dachau main process , in response to the Dachau trials took place, on charges of war crimes before an American military tribunal found. He was charged with having contributed to the catastrophic supply situation for the concentration camp inmates through the inadequate procurement and distribution of essential goods. In his defense, Wetzel stated that he had tried in vain to ensure an adequate supply situation. On 13 December 1945 he was with 35 other co-defendants by the American military court to death by the strand sentenced; however, the sentence was later reduced to a ten-year prison term. Wetzel was imprisoned in the Landsberg War Crimes Prison and released in January 1952. Nothing is known about his further life.


Web links

Commons : Friedrich Wetzel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files