Friedrich Wilhelm Wiener

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Friedrich Wilhelm Wiener (born January 22, 1884 in Meseritz , Silesia , † 1921 or before) was a German mathematician.

Wiener was the son of a district judge and graduated from high school in Lauban in 1902 . He then studied mathematics at the University of Göttingen and (after one year of military service in 1904/05) at the Humboldt University in Berlin . His professors included David Hilbert , Ferdinand Georg Frobenius , Hermann Amandus Schwarz , Friedrich Schottky , Issai Schur and Edmund Landau , from whom he received his doctorate with distinction in 1911 in Göttingen ( elementary contributions to modern function theory ). He died in 1921 at the latest.

Wiener only published one paper in which he gave an elementary proof of an inequality by David Hilbert in series theory (Chapter 9 in the standard work Hardy, Littlewood, Polya Inequalities is devoted to the inequality ). In his dissertation he gave an elementary proof of Wiman's theorem about whole functions.


  • Harold P. Boas , Dmitry Khavinson Vita: Friedrich Wilhelm Wiener , Mathematical Intelligencer, Volume 22, 2000, No. 2, pp. 73f

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Individual evidence

  1. opus laudabile
  2. In the mathematical annals of this year he is listed as deceased
  3. without integration, function theory
  4. ^ Wiener elementary proof of a series sentence by Mr. Hilbert , Mathematische Annalen, Volume 68, 1910, pp. 361–366