Not so Wiman

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Not so Wiman

Anders Wiman (born February 11, 1865 in Hammerlöf , † August 13, 1959 in Lund ) was a Swedish mathematician.


After graduating from high school in Lund in 1885, he attended Lund University , where he received his doctorate from Carl Björling in 1892 ( classification af regelytorna af sjette graden , "classification of the 6th degree regular surfaces"). In 1901 he became an associate professor and in 1906 a full professor at Uppsala University . In 1930 he retired. But he still published well into old age (1954).

Wiman was editor of Acta Mathematica from 1908 . He dealt mainly with algebraic geometry and applications of group theory in geometry and function theory . For example, he proved that for n > 7, there are no groups of collineations in less than n −2 dimensions that are isomorphic to the symmetric or alternating group of n variables. He also determined all finite groups of birational transformations of the plane. He wrote the article on finite groups of linear transformations in the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences . In function theory, he examined entire functions . He introduced the Wiman-Valiron theory named after him and Georges Valiron in 1914/16. A theorem he found about the minimum amount of whole functions is also known as Wiman's theorem. His investigations on the zeros of the derivatives of whole functions - together with similar investigations by George Pólya - had a great influence on the theory of whole functions, in particular the now proven Wiman conjecture and the Pólya-Wiman conjecture have stimulated much research.

Fritz Carlsson and Arne Beurling are among his students .


  • Trygve Nagell : Anders Wiman in memoriam , Acta Mathematica 103, July 1960, pp. I – VI (French; obituary; with picture and list of scriptures; online , also here )
  • Lars Gårding : Mathematics and mathematicians. Mathematics in Sweden before 1950 , AMS, 1998, ISBN 0-8218-0612-2 (English translation by Matematik och matematiker. Matematiken i Sverige före 1950 , 1994, from the Swedish by Lars Gårding)

Individual evidence

  1. Anders Wiman: On the theory of finite groups of birational transformations in the plane (April 1896), Mathematische Annalen 48, September 1896, pp. 195-240
  2. Anders Wiman: On the connection between the maximum amount of an analytic function and the largest member of the associated Taylor series , Acta Mathematica 37, December 1914, pp. 305–326
  3. Anders Wiman: About the relationship between the maximum amount of an analytic function and the largest amount for given arguments of the function , Acta Mathematica 41, December 1916, pp. 1–28
  4. Anders Wiman: Sur une extension d'un théorème de M. Hadamard (June 7, 1905), Arkiv för Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik 2 No. 14, 1905, pp. 1–5 (French)
  5. Anders Wiman: About a property of the whole functions from height zero (February 11, 1914), Mathematische Annalen 76, March 1915, pp. 197-211
  6. Terence Sheil-Small: On the zeros of the derivatives of real entire functions and Wiman's conjecture , Annals of Mathematics (2) 129, 1989, pp. 179–193 (English)
  7. Thomas Craven, George Csordas, Wayne Smith: The zeros of derivatives of entire functions and the Pólya-Wiman conjecture , Annals of Mathematics (2) 125, 1987, pp. 405-431 (English)

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