Friendly Fire (Opera)

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Work data
Original title: Friendly fire
Original language: German
Music: Klaus Arp
Libretto : Andreas Bisowski
Premiere: September 9, 2004
Place of premiere: Neukölln Opera in Berlin
Place and time of the action: In the USA after a war in the desert

Friendly Fire is an opera by Klaus Arp (music) and Andreas Bisowski (libretto). The world premiere took place in 2004 at the Neuköllner Oper in Berlin under the direction of Robert Lehmeier. The musical director was Hans-Peter Kirchberg , the stage design came from Tom Musch.


After a "desert mission", a young American GI returns to his family, who want to venerate him as a hero in order to legitimize the hard-hitting war mission. But the son (Tommy) comes back from the war as an obviously badly marked soldier in the local idyll. He expresses what he saw in the war: torture , senseless killings, sadism . The family breaks up because of the relentless reports they do not want to hear and decides to dispose of the "problem Tommy" by the father "redeeming" Tommy, that is to say killing, in order to restore peace at home.

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