Fury (youth book series)

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Fury is an American book series for young people written by various authors. The best known is the first author Albert G. Miller .


The first issues were published in 1960 by Engelbert Verlag Zimmermann . Due to the great success and the high popularity, especially due to the television series of the same name , a second series of books was published by Tessloff Verlag in the 1960s with a clear presentation that ties in with the series. The publisher names René van Nerum as the author. In the meantime, individual books are also being published by Arena-Verlag or Loewe.


The main characters of the Fury novels are always the boy Joey Newton and his black stallion Fury, who live on the Broken Wheel ranch. Together they experience numerous adventures, such as seizing criminals or defying various natural disasters.


Titles published by Engelbert Verlag:

  1. Fury
  2. Fury and the Mustangs
  3. The riddle of the hollow spruce
  4. And then came the blizzard
  5. Tracks in the valley of the trappers
  6. Danger to the Broken Wheel Ranch
  7. Fresh tracks on Elk Creek
  8. The man from Utah
  9. A summer full of adventure
  10. The trap in Silver Rock Canyon
  11. The ambush

Published by Tessloff Verlag:

  1. Fury and the horse thieves
  2. Broken Wheel Ranch alarm
  3. The prairie is calling!
  4. Fury and the red tomahawk
  5. Adventure in the yellow rock cave
  6. Poachers in the trap
  7. Heroes without a sword
  8. Typhoon over Hawaii
  9. Fury in film land
  10. Vultures in the valley
  11. Incident at the circus

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