Future Launchers Preparatory Program

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The Future Launchers Preparatory Program ( FLPP ) is a technology program of the European Space Agency (ESA). The aim is to develop technologies for use in future launch vehicles and to improve existing systems. The program also aims to reduce development times, risks and costs.
Starting in 2004, the original purpose was to develop technologies for the next generation launcher as the successor to Ariane 5 . After the introduction of the Ariane 6 project, the focus of the program was finally extended to the general development of new technologies for European launcher systems.
The FLPP develops and prepares technologies before, the promise for a future application apply but still not sufficiently high technology maturity to make a clear assessment to allow (eng. "Technology Readiness Level" TRL) that their performance and miteinhergehenden risks . These technologies typically have a TRL of three or less. The aim is to increase the TRL to approx. Six, which means proof of the performance of technical solutions under relevant environmental conditions and enables the transfer to a development program with reduced costs and risks.

Purpose of the program

Goal setting

The goals of the Future Launchers Preparatory Program are:

  • The determination and preparation of system competencies and technologies for development with the aim of limiting the development period to five years, reducing risks and running costs as well as maintaining industrial competencies in the long term.
  • The promotion of the reusability of existing and new technologies in order to achieve a global cost reduction.
  • The preparation of system studies to assess further developments of existing launch vehicles, future launch systems, advanced concepts as well as the selection of suitable technologies and the elaboration of their requirements.
  • Maintaining a strong space industry in Europe for the use of existing delivery systems and ensuring independent access to space.
  • The development of environmentally friendly technologies.


The FLPP deals with the problem that promising technologies for future launchers in many cases have a low level of technology maturity. In this state, incorporation into a development program means a risk that should not be underestimated. If it turns out that a technology does not achieve the performance required in further use or the concept proves to be impractical, a necessary redesign of the system is usually associated with significant losses in terms of time, quality and costs.
The FLPP solves this problem with a systems-driven approach. Based on system studies for future launch vehicles or improvements to existing systems, promising technologies are selected that have advantages within the scope of the objective of the FLPP and have a low TRL (typically two to three). These technologies are then further developed up to a higher TRL (at least five, usually six) in order to enable integration into current or future development programs with a significantly reduced risk. Since the preliminary development is already carried out within the framework of the FLPP, the development time of a new carrier system can also be significantly reduced.
The approach to carry out a technology advance development with the help of a demonstrator based on system studies reduces the effects of an initially overestimated performance (e.g. with regard to mass, efficiency and complexity) in the development of launch vehicles, in which a large part of the overall system is often changed by changes to a subsystem being affected. After the “risky” preliminary development, a technology can finally be transferred to a development program. A serious change in the expected performance of a technology is much less likely with this approach, since a high level of technology maturity (usually TRL 6) is assumed.


In order to increase the technology maturity level to TRL 6, a technology must be tested as a model or prototype under relevant environmental conditions. This can be done in a cost effective manner by integrating one or more technologies into a demonstrator and then testing them in a relevant environment. This takes into account parameters such as medium, pressure and temperature.
The demonstrators are based on requirements that are derived from current or future launch vehicles and existing experience. The requirements are then tailored to represent a representative carrier system and to enable tests of the integrated technologies with the greatest possible performance, including security reserves.
The demonstrators typically represent a subsystem of the launcher, e.g. B. a tank, the structure of a stage or a rocket engine.

Collaboration and partnerships

The projects carried out under the FLPP are mainly based on strong cooperation with external partners. Since the further development of the desired level of technology maturity is linked to a future application of the technology, the partners mostly come from industry. If necessary, institutional partners or subcontractors are also involved.


The FLPP is a development program and integrated into the Directorate for Launchers of the European Space Agency ESA.
The FLPP is financed by the ESA member states on an optional basis. Participating countries sign their support for the FLPP at the ESA Ministerial Conference.
The FLPP is divided chronologically into successive phases, the duration of which roughly corresponds to the time between the Ministerial Councils. In order to ensure a smooth program sequence, the phases overlap slightly.



The FLPP was founded in February 2004 when ten member states signed the declaration.

Phase 1 (2004-2006)

The first phase contained studies on future reusable carrier systems. Several different concepts were examined in order to be able to select feasible and cost-effective solutions. Furthermore, improvements were investigated to reduce the cost of existing launch vehicles.

Phase 2, part 1 (2006–2009)

During this period, work on concepts for reusable and non-reusable carrier concepts with system studies on several promising configurations was continued. In addition, key technologies for future launch vehicles were integrated into demonstrators in order to raise their TRL to a sufficient level and thus enable a successful transfer to a launch vehicle development program. An important project that was started in this phase was the Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle (IXV). In addition, the development of the Vinci upper stage engine was managed and financed by the FLPP during this period.

Phase 2, part 2 (2009-2013)

In the second part of the second phase, the system studies on non-reusable carrier systems were completed. Technology development activities, particularly in the area of ​​upper level, re-entry and propulsion technologies, continued. After the Vinci project was transferred to Ariane 5 ME development, the Score-D project was launched to develop a demonstrator for high-thrust main stage engines. Furthermore, a project to demonstrate an upper stage engine with storable fuels was started. Towards the end of this phase, a project for a cryogenic expander cycle demonstrator was also started.
Further technology development and demonstrator projects deal with (intermediate) stage structures, tanks, avionics, as well as solid fuel and hybrid engines.

Phase 3 / FLPP NEO (2013-2019)

The third phase started in 2013 and has been overlapping with the FLPP NEO (New Economic Opportunities) phase since 2016. After the start of an independent Ariane 6 project, the area of ​​responsibility of the FLPP was expanded from the preparation of technologies for a specific next-generation launcher system to the general search for and development of promising technologies for existing and future launch vehicles. The determination and further development of key technologies is still system-driven and is mainly based on system studies and integrated demonstrators. An important aspect is the promotion of synergies between different use cases and carrier systems ( e.g. Ariane and Vega ). FLPP NEO continues to follow the approach of the previous phases with flagship demonstrators and cost-effective delivery concepts.


The FLPP comprises several coordinated development projects.

Previous projects

This section gives an overview of some past projects of the FLPP. However, only the most important projects are listed.

System studies on the next generation carrier system

The system studies for a non-reusable launcher system were carried out in order to determine promising configurations for a successor to the Ariane 5 launcher. In addition, technologies should be identified that contribute to high reliability, performance and cost savings and could then be integrated into this next-generation carrier system. If the technologies found are too mature, they could then be further developed in the FLPP.


The Staged Combustion Rocket Engine Demonstrator SCORE-D (in German about "Demonstrator of a rocket engine with staged combustion") was a project to develop key technologies for rocket engines with high thrust and as a drive for the next generation launch system. Liquid oxygen in combination with liquid hydrogen or methane were investigated as fuels. Several tests with models on a reduced scale were carried out in preparation for the demonstrator project.

Since initially a propulsion concept based on a solid propulsion engine was selected for the main stage of Ariane 6, the project was discontinued in the status of the system requirements test (SRR).


The development of the reflammable, cryogenic upper stage engine Vinci was financed and coordinated by the FLPP between 2006 and 2008.

Vinci was designed as a drive for the upper stage of the Ariane 5, the ESC-B (Floor Supérieur Cryogenique B, in German "Cryogene Upper Level B"). Vinci is a re-ignitable rocket engine with an expander cycle, powered by liquid oxygen and hydrogen.
After the first failure of its predecessor ESC-A (V-157) in 2002, the development of the ESC-B upper level was stopped. However, the development of the Vinci engine itself was continued and later handed over to the FLPP. In the FLPP, the engine was further developed and subjected to extensive tests. Towards the end of 2008, Vinci was taken over by the Ariane 5 ME development program and, after its dissolution, incorporated into the Ariane 6 program.


The Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle was a demonstrator designed for re-entry into the earth's atmosphere to test technologies for reusable launch vehicles and spacecraft. This project mainly researched heat protection systems as well as flight mechanics and controls. The IXV was launched in February 2015 with a Vega rocket. The re-entry was controlled with the help of two control flaps before the vehicle finally landed in the ocean, braked by parachutes.

Current projects

The FLPP oversees a large number of projects that can be divided into the three main areas of "rocket propulsion", "systems and technologies" and "avionics and electronics". The following list only includes a selection of important projects.

Integrated demonstrator for expander cycle technologies

The integrated demonstrator for expander cycle technologies (ETID) is based on a concept for advanced upper stage drives, partly derived from the Vinci engine. The purpose is to integrate many new technologies to increase the performance of the drive (especially the thrust-to-weight ratio) and at the same time to reduce unit costs. Some of the technologies tested could also be used for activities outside of the propulsion sector. The project is currently in the design and manufacturing phase (as of the end of 2016).

Technology demonstrator for storable fuels

The technology demonstrator for storable fuels aims to develop technologies for a rocket engine with a thrust between 3 and 8 kN. The technologies developed in this project can be used for upper stages of small launch vehicles or applications with similar thrust classes. The demonstrator shows new methods of cooling as well as new injector and damping technology. By the end of 2016, the demonstrator had run through two successful test campaigns and completed both ground and vacuum ignitions. The behavior under stationary conditions was investigated for a wide operating range and burn times of up to 110 seconds. In addition, the combustion stability and different combustion chamber lengths were examined.

Solid propulsion

Solid propulsion activities focused on the development of manufacturing processes for future motor housings and the analysis of the physical behavior of these propulsion systems, in particular pressure fluctuations. Both activities were carried out with the use of demonstrators. The "Experimental Demonstrator for Pressure Fluctuations" (POD-X) aims to investigate combustion physics and has already been successfully tested, with important information on combustion processes being collected. The “Optimized Fiber Reinforced Rocket Motor Housing” (FORC) is used to develop technologies for dry-wound fibers with automatic fiber placement and subsequent resin infusion. This enables the manufacture of large solid rocket motor housings from carbon fiber reinforced synthetic resin and includes the manufacture of a representative test article in full size with an outer diameter of 3.5 meters. By the end of 2016, several material samples had already been produced on a small scale as part of FORC's process development. The construction of the test item began in 2016 and it should be subjected to extensive mechanical stress and pressure tests by the end of 2016.

Hybrid engines

Activities on hybrid rocket engines in the FLPP included a demonstrator project in cooperation with the Norwegian armaments manufacturer Nammo . The demonstrator has a size that already covers future use cases and went through a successful hot-run campaign in 2016. A second campaign should lead to a newly constructed drive, which should then be tested with the launch of a sounding rocket.

Cryotank demonstrator

The cryogenic tank demonstrator consists of a series of demonstrators that are to be used to develop and test cryogenic tank systems with low mass in the future. Towards the end of 2016, a reduced-scale test item was manufactured and tested while a full-size demonstrator was under development. The demonstrators also serve as a test platform for other tank technologies or neighboring structures.

Additive Manufacturing (AM)

The FLPP develops processes in additive layer manufacturing ( 3D printing ) for use in launch vehicles. This offers advantages in terms of costs and production times, especially in small series production, and opens up new design options in the production of lighter and more efficient structures.
Independently of the application of AM in several other projects, a special project was launched that deals solely with the further development and application of three-dimensional printed parts in future launch vehicles.


As part of the FLPP, several projects deal with technologies for the production of various structures made of carbon fiber composite materials (CFRP). These components range from cryogenic fuel lines and tanks to structures of upper and intermediate stages.

Payload fairings

The FLPP researches the construction of sophisticated payload fairings. Underneath is a membrane to seal off the payload space from the environment, which maintains the cleanliness conditions at the desired level and reduces shock loads when the payload fairing is detached.

Re-entry observation capsule

The re-entry observation capsule is intended to collect detailed data on the burn-up of rocket upper stages during a re-entry into the earth's atmosphere. These should help design future missile stages for safe and efficient reentry maneuvers.
In order to collect the data, the capsule is launched with a launcher and then, after separation from the rocket stage, observes the breakup and burn-up of the relevant stage during reentry.

Self Propelled Multi Payload Adapter (APMAS)

The aim of this project is to analyze the requirements of an orbital module with its own drive, to check the feasibility and to carry out a preliminary design. Based on an existing multi-payload system, the mission and performance range of existing rocket upper stages, both for Vega and Arien 6, is to be expanded.

Secondary payload adapter

This project deals with the development of a structural and thermal model for a secondary payload adapter ring with payloads of up to 30 kg. This can help to further increase the payload capacity of the Vega, Ariane 6 and Soyuz launch vehicles.

Design for demise

The Design for Demise (D4D) project investigates the processes that components of launch vehicles go through when they re-enter the earth's atmosphere. Particular attention is paid to the fragmentation behavior of components such as burned-out steps, boosters and payload fairings or adapters. The goals are a better understanding of re-entry through numerical simulations and the establishment of material databases by means of tests in plasma wind tunnels. In accordance with the requirements of the ESA, the results contribute to reducing the risk of debris from falling onto the ground.

Power supply via Ethernet

"Power over Ethernet" technology allows power supply and signal transmission to be mixed in one and the same cable and offers the potential for weight and cost savings as well as a reduction in the operational complexity of telemetry systems in launch vehicles. An ongoing project is concerned with the definition of a modular architecture for the telemetry of launch vehicles. Standard products from the mass market (COTS) are also used for the project in order to save costs and development times. The system can later be integrated into a higher-level avionics demonstrator and supply other subsystems with power via an avionics bus.

Advanced test platform for avionics systems

The advanced test platform for avionics systems includes several innovative technologies such as: fault detection in the cable harness, power via Ethernet, optoelectronic telemetry systems and fiber Bragg grating sensor modules, which allow many sensors to be bundled in a single optical fiber. Demonstrations are planned both on the ground and in flight.

Cooperation with other programs

As a development program for new technologies for future and existing launchers, there is close cooperation between the FLPP and the development programs for the Ariane and Vega missiles. Many of the technologies initially developed in the FLPP will later be used as base technologies for Ariane 6 and Vega C.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o ESA FLPP . ESA. November 30, 2016. Retrieved November 30, 2016.
  2. Underhill, K., Caruana, J.-N., De Rosa, M., and Schoroth, W .: Status of FLPP Propulsion Demonstrators - Technology Maturation, Application Perspectives . In: Space Propulsion Conference, Rome . 2016.
  3. Caisso, Philippe: A liquid propulsion panorama . In: Acta Astronautica . 65, No. 11-12, December 2009, pp. 1723-1737.
  4. ^ A b c Caruana, Jean-Noel, De Rosa, Marco, Kachler, Thierry, Schoroth, Wenzel, Underhill, Kate .: Delivering Engine Demonstrators for Competitive Evolutions of the European Launchers . In: 6th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS), Kraków, Poland . 2015.
  5. a b c d ESA FLPP Propulsion . ESA. November 30, 2016. Retrieved November 30, 2016.
  6. a b c d e f g h ESA FLPP Systems and Technologies . ESA. November 30, 2016. Retrieved November 30, 2016.
  7. a b ESA FLPP Electronics and Avionics . ESA. November 30, 2016. Retrieved November 30, 2016.

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