Futurum publishing house

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Futurum publishing house
legal form GmbH
founding 2014
Seat Basel
management Jonathan Stauffer and Claudia Zangger
Branch publishing company
Website www.futurumverlag.com

The Futurum Verlag , a German-language book publisher from Switzerland .


It was founded in January 2011 in Dornach (Switzerland) as a label publisher of Rudolf Steiner Verlag and emerged from Pforte Verlag. Since August 2011 the publishing house has been in Basel (Switzerland). In 2014 the publishing house was spun off from Rudolf Steiner Verlag as an independent GmbH.

Publishing policy

Books are published that set the seeds for shaping the future and want to enable stimulating discourses without instruction. The publisher's concern is not ready-made recipes and pseudo-solutions, but rather possibilities and new beginnings, accompanied by individual approaches that do not block each other, but rather cause development and improvement - and also include errors as a possibility.


The program includes books on current issues, art and cultural history.

Web links