Rudolf Steiner Publishing House

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The Rudolf Steiner Verlag in Basel , Switzerland , is a German book publisher whose program the publication and dissemination of the work of Rudolf Steiner serves.


Its beginnings can be found in the beginning of the 20th century. Rudolf Steiner's colleague and future wife Marie von Sievers founded the Philosophisch-Theosophischen Verlag in Berlin in 1908 , which was renamed the Philosophisch-Anthroposophischen Verlag in 1915 and which she headed for the next four decades. After Steiner's first scientific and philosophical titles were published by various renowned publishers, all of his publications were published from 1908 onwards by the publishing house founded by Marie von Sievers. In addition, a growing number of his lecture transcripts were published, which soon took up the main part of the publisher's program. The publishing house had been in Dornach since 1923 and was headed by Marie Steiner until her death in 1948. At that time almost 500 publications had already appeared.

Rudolf Steiner had designated his wife as his legal successor in his will. From then on, the administration and publication of his literary estate was in her hands . Towards the end of her life she founded the Rudolf Steiner Estate Management Association , which took on the obligation to obtain a chronologically structured, systematically structured complete edition of Steiner's work after her death. In 1961 an initial overall plan for the "Rudolf Steiner Complete Edition" project was drawn up. It should include around 350 volumes of text and numerous artistic works by Steiner. A new publishing house was founded for this purpose and has been called Rudolf Steiner Verlag since 1971. The previous Philosophical-Theosophical Publishing House was legally prohibited from further publication of Rudolf Steiner's writings. He then concentrated mainly on the publication of the Goetheanum's publications and accordingly renamed himself Verlag am Goetheanum .

In the fifty years since the beginning of the "Complete Edition" project, Rudolf Steiner Verlag has published over 340 volumes of Steiner's writings and lectures. There were also a number of paperbacks, single editions and special publications. In 2007 the publishing house, which had been part of the estate administration until then, became legally independent. Since then it has been called Rudolf Steiner Verlag AG . His task has remained unchanged, namely to publish the complete works of Rudolf Steiner, to keep them available and to make them accessible to the public. In August 2011 the publishing house was relocated to Basel.


In addition to his writings, Rudolf Steiner has given over 6000 lectures on a wide variety of areas of life. In addition, he left numerous drafts and sketches in the fields of painting , design , graphics , sculpture and eurythmy . Accordingly, the complete edition is divided into writings , lectures and artistic work . The complete edition is also available digitally on an external hard drive .

Over the years , around 130 paperbacks have been produced from the complete works, which are available in linen volumes . Many of Steiner's lectures are also available as individual editions. His pastel sketches and some of his approximately 1,100 blackboard drawings, which Steiner made for illustration during his lectures, have appeared as reproductions or art prints . The contributions to the complete edition are published in loose succession; they essentially contain entries in the notebook, comments and answers to questions from Steiner's lectures. The series Rudolf Steiner Studies has published publications on various areas of Steiner's work, such as the Nietzsche archive , Rudolf Steiner as a designer or Andrej Belyj .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Steiner Studies