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Storage medium
A GD-ROM with the three areas
Type Optical storage medium
capacity 1.2 GB
size ø 12 cm
use Computer games
developer Yamaha

GD-ROM ( G iga D isc R ead O nly M emory ) is a proprietary optical storage medium for the Sega Dreamcast game console .

It is similar to the CD-ROM and differs from it in that the pits are closer together. This enabled a higher storage capacity of 1.2 GB - almost double that of a normal CD-ROM. In addition to the main purpose (the Dreamcast), the medium was also used for various arcade systems ( Naomi , Chihiro and Triforce ). In addition to the storage capacity, Sega also increased the copy security with the new medium, because the GD-Rom cannot be completely read out with CD or DVD hardware.

A GD-ROM consists of two data areas and a separation area. The inner data area contains a Yellow Book CD-ROM track and a Red Book CDDA track. This area can be read from any CD drive. The second, outer data area contains the actual game files. This area cannot be read from a CD or DVD drive. Between the two data areas there is a narrow separating area, which contains the words Produced by or under license from SEGA Enterprises LTD Trademark SEGA , but no data.

The format was developed by Yamaha for Sega .
