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GDDM ( Graphical Data Display Manager ) is a computer graphics system for the System / 370 that was developed by IBM in 1979 . GDDM was originally developed for the IBM 3279 color monitor and the 3287 color printer. The 3279 color screen was the first color screen to be used in offices.

GDDM was expanded in the early 1980s to work on all IBM monitors and printers.

From 1986 onwards, GDDM could also be used on the System / 38 under the name IBM System / 38 Business Graphics Utility (Program 5714-GP1) .

Program example Pascal

   %INCLUDE QATTPAS(ADMUSTNO);          /* Typdeklarationen von IBM */
   A, B : INTEGER;                              /* Arbeitsvariablen */
   AX, AY : REALARR_20;                     /* Parameter for CHPLOT */
   ATTVAL, ATTYPE, COUNT : INTEGER;         /* Parameter for ASREAD */
%INCLUDE QATTPAS(ADMUSLNO);           /* Proc-Deklarationen von IBM */

/* Initialisierung                                                  */
AX(.1.) := 1.0; AY(.1.) := 5.0; AY(.6.) := 8.0;     /* Arrays init. */
AX(.2.) := 2.0; AY(.2.) := 3.0; AY(.7.) := 13.0;
AX(.3.) := 3.0; AY(.3.) := 5.0; AY(.8.) := 6.0;
AX(.4.) := 4.0; AY(.4.) := 5.0; AY(.9.) := 1.0;
AX(.5.) := 5.0; AY(.5.) := 11.0; AY(.10.) := 7.0;
FSINIT;                            /* Grafikumgebung initialisieren */

/* Diagramm zeichnen                                                */
A := 2;
B := 5;
CHPLOT(A,B,AX,AY);                            /* Diagramm zeichnen  */
ASREAD(ATTVAL,ATTYPE,COUNT);                   /* Diagramm anzeigen */

/* Ende                                                             */
FSTERM                                  /* Grafikumgebung schließen */
END.                                     /* Pascal-Programm beenden */


  • Charles Petzold: Programming the OS / 2 Presentation Manager . Microsoft Press, 1989. ISBN 1-55615-170-5 .

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