Luxembourg Society for German Literature and Art

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The Luxembourg Society for German Literature and Art , GEDELIT for short , was founded in March 1934 and was initially intended as a Pan-Germanic movement to promote the influence of German culture in Luxembourg . For this reason, Minister of State Pierre Prüm and other well-known personalities were active members.

President of GEDELIT since 1935 was the German and Greek teacher Damian Kratzenberg , son of a Luxembourgish mother and a German father, who increasingly turned the association into a contact point for Luxembourgers and Germans living in Luxembourg with a National Socialist attitude. So from 1938 the association was busy with propaganda in Luxembourg schools.

The Sturmtrupp Lützelburg , a school group of National Socialist pupils and students, also used the GEDELIT meeting room that the association made available to them for their own purposes. With the slogan “ Home in the Reich ”, GEDELIT and Sturmtrupp Lützelburg demanded the integration of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg into the German Empire .

The GEDELIT existed until July 6, 1940, shortly after the attack by the Wehrmacht and the occupation of Luxembourg. The association was then completely harmonized and renamed the Volksdeutsche Movement (VdB).