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The GICON-SOF is a research project to develop a floating offshore wind turbine that can be used at greater water depths. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund , among others . The project partners include Gicon , the Technical University of Freiberg , the University of Rostock and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems .

The construction of offshore wind turbines began in Denmark in shallow water with one-masted foundations, the so-called " monopiles ". With greater water depths, three-legged (" tripods ") or four-legged foundations (" jackets ") are used, which are "nailed" to the ground with long steel pipes. When the water depth is more than 60 to 80 meters, floating constructions are used that are anchored to the bottom.

The first German floating offshore wind turbine is being built at the company Edelstahl und Umwelttechnik Stralsund (ESG). This floating wind turbine is a technical development supported by the Gicon group of companies, to which ESG also belongs. It has a nominal output of 2,300 kW. In November 2015, in a bidding process at the Federal Network Agency in Bonn, GICON-SOF secured the necessary claim to the connection capacity, which means that it can be connected to the 50Hertz Transmission network and feed in electricity within 36 months .


  • GICON-SOF is allowed to feed in generated electricity. In: Schiff & Hafen , issue 2/2016, p. 43
  • Further tank tests for GICON-SOF confirmed . In: Schiff & Hafen , issue 10/2018, p. 44

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