GNU Compiler for Java

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GNU Compiler for Java

Basic data

developer The GNU Project
Current  version 6.5
(October 26, 2018)
operating system unixoid systems
category Compiler
License GPL

The GNU Compiler for the Java Programming Language ( GCJ ) was an ahead-of-time compiler for the Java programming language and was part of the GNU Compiler Collection up to version 6 . GCJ is both a bytecode and binary code compiler. He can Java source code to Java byte code, Java byte / source code to native machine code and all Java Archive (JAR) for a variety of processor architectures compile .

GCJ does not use the class libraries from Sun , but the free Java implementation of GNU Classpath . Since this class library has not yet been fully implemented, problems can arise with some Java programs.


Development stopped in 2009. The compiler remained on J2SE 5.0, GNU Classpath for 5.0 was no longer completed.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. GCC 6.5 Released
  2. ^ GCC 7 Changes
  3. ^ The GNU Compiler for the Java ™ Programming Language. Free Software Foundation, Inc., September 22, 2009, archived from the original on November 2, 2016 ; accessed on October 17, 2019 (English).