Gaius Fulvius Flaccus (Legate)

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Gaius Fulvius Flaccus came from the Roman plebeian family of the Fulvians and was a brother of the four-time consul Quintus Fulvius Flaccus and the praetor of 212 BC. BC, Gnaeus Fulvius Flaccus .

After Quintus Fulvius Flaccus in his third consulate in 212 BC. After the complete containment of the apostate Capua had succeeded, he held the siege of the city in the next year 211 BC. BC successfully upright even against attempts at relief by Hannibal . His brother Gaius Fulvius Flaccus served him as a legate . Eventually the city fell and was severely punished.

210 BC Gaius Fulvius Flaccus stayed in Rome . The next year he worked in central Italy and again as a legate of his brother Quintus in his fourth and last consulate. After that, nothing more is known about him.



  1. Livy 26:33 , 5; 27, 8, 12.
  2. Livy 26, 5, 8 and 26, 14, 6f.
  3. ^ Livy 26, 33, 5.
  4. Livy 27, 8, 12.