Gaius Herennius Capella

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Gaius Herennius Capella was a Roman politician living in the 2nd century AD .

By military diplomas that are dated, among others, on 12 November and 25 December 119, there is evidence that Capella 119 for the months of November and December together with Lucius Coelius Rufus Suffektkonsul was. The two consuls are also listed in the arval files.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Military diplomas of the year 119 ( AE 2005, 1738 , RMD 5, 351 , RMD 5, 352 , RMD 5, 353 , RMD 5, 354 , diplomas p 330 , diplomas p 331 ).
  2. Paul Holder : Roman Military Diplomas V (= Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 88), Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, London 2006, pp. 749-750, no. 351, note. 4 and p. 753, no. 354, note 6.
  3. Werner Eck , Andreas Pangerl: Diplomas for soldiers of the Italian fleets between Vespasian and Severus Alexander In: HONESTA MISSIONE. Festschrift for Barbara Pferdehirt, ed. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz 2014, pp. 327–343, here p. 330 ( online ).
  4. Werner Eck, Andreas Pangerl: New consular data in new diplomas In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , Volume 152 (2005), pp. 229–262, here p. 237 ( online ).
  5. Inscription ( CIL 6, 2080 )
  6. Werner Eck, Andreas Pangerl: New diplomas for auxiliary troops in the Dacian provinces In: Acta Musei Napocensis , 38 / I (2001), pp. 27–48, here p. 31 ( online ).