Gaius Iulius Gallus

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Gaius Iulius Gallus was a Roman politician living in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD .

By military diplomas is evidence that Gallus on September 15 and November 24, 124 along with Gaius Valerius Severus Suffektkonsul was; the consulate of the two therefore lasted from September 1 to December 31 of this year. Further diplomas prove that he was governor of the province of Moesia superior on July 1, 126 .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Military diplomas from 124 ( CIL 16, 70 , CIL 16, 171 , ZPE-175-248 ) and 126 ( Dacia-2006-104 , RMD 5, 366 , ZPE-194-231 ).
  2. Werner Eck , Andreas Pangerl: Sex. Iulius Severus, cos. suff. 126, and his military diplomas (PA 456) In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik (ZPE), Volume 175 (2010), pp. 247-257, here pp. 252-253 ( online ).
  3. Werner Eck, Andreas Pangerl: Five civil rights constitutions for the auxiliary units of Moesia superior from the Traian-Hadrian era In: ZPE, Volume 194 (2015), pp. 223–240, here pp. 232–233 ( online ).