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The Garawon , also called Garifuna drum or Garifuna drum, is a single-headed tubular drum of the Garifuna in Central America , which became famous for the Punta music. The Garifuna also use them in other musical styles.

The Garawon has a conical shape and only one field on the wider side. It is carved from a block of mahogany wood. The fur comes from sheep or deer. It is pulled onto a ring and fastened with a V-lacing through holes on the lower edge of the body. The tension can be changed with wooden toggles. An iron wire runs over the skin as a snare string . The drums are made in several sizes with skin diameters between 60 and 40 cm, which take on different functions in the ensemble.

When playing, the drum is clamped between the knees and hit with the hands.

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