Low gas alarm

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Low gas alarm

The low gas safety device ( GMS , also low gas valve ) is a safety valve which automatically interrupts the gas supply in the event of an impermissible pressure drop. The valve only opens again when a certain pressure is reached again after the valve. The low- gas safety device prevents gas from escaping unobserved . Integrated gas pressure regulators are also available on the market , which contain the functionality of a low- gas safety device as well as a gas flow monitor and a safety shut-off valve .


  • Hermann Rietschel, Wilhelm Raiß: heating and air conditioning. First volume, 15th revised edition, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 1968.
  • Gunther Dette (Ed.): Lexicon of gas technology. 4th edition, Vulkan Verlag, Essen, ISBN 3-8027-2537-9 .
  • Karl Volger, Erhard Laasch: House technology. Basics - planning - execution, 9th revised and expanded edition, BG Teubner, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 978-3-322-94746-8 .

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