Bashnia Rowan

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Baschnja Rowan ( Russian Башня Rowan, wiss. Transliteration Bašnja Rowan ) is a Russian band that was founded in 1995 by Tikki A. Scheljen ( Russian Тикки А. Шельен ) in Saint Petersburg . Translated into German, the name of the band can be understood as a mountain ash tower.

The style of the group is often given as folk-rock , in some web forums the terms Neofolk and Art'n'Rock'n'Folk'n'Fusion are used to describe the style . The music of the group is very melodic, mostly the singing is in the foreground, it contains elements of rock and blues as well as other styles.

Originating from an environment of St. Petersburg bands such as Ptiza Si ( Russian Птица Си , Vogel Si) and R * oshdestwo ( Russian Р * ождество , Christmas), the composition of Bashnya changed again and again, most radically with the move of the founder to Moscow .

Baschnja has established a permanent place in the Russian alternative and underground scene with several albums and many concerts .

The texts are characterized by complex lyric poetry, puns and references to Nordic, especially Celtic, mythology. This is expressed, for example, in references to deities such as Freya and her priestesses or Angus . The name Baschnja Rowan can also be understood as a reference to pagan traditions, as Rowan is English for mountain ash , which was consecrated as a magical plant to the deity Thor and whose wood was used by druids for various purposes. Two albums each begin with a song that names the Celtic month and the transition from summer to autumn Samhain : Tschorny samajn (Black Samhain) in the album Marsch urodow ( March of the monsters ) and Krasny samajn ( Red Samhain ) in the album Ptschelowetschnost (Russian Пчеловечность , in German about "bee eternity"). Some of the group's texts also have socially critical content.


The occupation of Baschnja Rowan was subject to strong fluctuation. The line-up when the last album was recorded ( Ab laternae ) was as follows:

  • Tikki A. Scheljen ( Тикки А. Шельен ), ( vocals , acoustic guitar , lyrics )
  • Marija Logofet ( Мария Логофет ), ( violin )
  • Oleg Kanakow ( Олег Канаков ), ( bass )
  • Alina Saizewa ( Алина Зайцева ), ( keyboard )
  • Andrei Tscharupa ( Андрей Чарупа ), ( drums )
  • Stas Welshin ( Стас Валишин ) - Administration


  • March urodov ( Марш уродов , March of the freaks ), 1998
  • Horribile Dictu , 2000
  • Ptschelowetschnost ( Пчеловечность , bee eternity), 2002
  • Ab laternae - live recordings of concerts 2003-2004, 2005

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