Gas smoker

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As gas nose people were referred to their activities related to the town gas volumes exercised, they had running underground gas lines leak investigate and were the gasworks busy.


The first gas works in Germany were built in 1825. In 1870 there were already more than 340 gasworks in Germany operating city gas supply networks, and it was therefore necessary to carry out regular inspections of the gas pipelines.

Gas sniffers with a sniffing tube were used along the lines to detect leaks. To do this, they put the olfactory tube into small holes drilled over the laid gas pipes in the pavement and sniffed for escaping gas. The gas smoker must have a sensitive sense of smell . If he smelled gas, the road was closed, dug up and the defective gas pipe repaired.

Gas sniffers were still in use until the 1920s . With the advent of technical leak detectors , the gas supply profession died out.


In the GDR from 1963 to the 1980s, gas detection dogs were also used, which reported when smelling gas because of their well-developed sense of smell.
