Built post

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The built-up contribution , also called “contribution with fade-in” (BmE) or “original sound report” (OTB), is a radio genre and an important journalistic contribution form that corresponds to the “report” developed in the press. It is an audio piece in which text ( manuscript ) written by the author is mixed with original sounds ( original sounds), noises ( atmosphere ) or other acoustic sources.


Key statements of a person that would appear as quotations in the newspaper report are selected as the original sound. In addition to the content, they also have a dramaturgical function. The share of tones in the length of the contribution is usually around 50%. If the quotes are not available in German, they are usually overlaid with a translation (voice-over). In the case of short original sounds, it is also common practice, especially for current articles in news magazines, for the author to reproduce the translation after the original sound as part of the manuscript text. Furthermore, a built contribution can also contain noises that reflect the atmosphere of a recording location (birds chirping, street noise, murmuring of voices ...) or certain processes. Literary quotations or excerpts from films can also be part of a built contribution.


Individual evidence

  1. Website for the book Radio-Journalismus with further information