Salary negotiation

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A salary negotiation is the negotiation of the amount of wages between an individual employee and an employer . A distinction can be made between two situations. In one case, an employment relationship already exists and a salary increase is being negotiated. In the other case, there is no employment relationship yet and an applicant is negotiating with a potential employer about a position . In addition to the amount of the wages, other elements of the employment contract can be the subject of the negotiation , e.g. B. the payment of a bonus , the granting of benefits in kindlike a company car .

Salary negotiation for a new employee

The salary is usually discussed at the very end of the application phase. The applicant should not bring up the topic on his own, but in any case wait until the representative of the employer brings the topic of salary to the table. Most of the time, the topic of salary is not negotiated in the first interview .

Whoever is best prepared will win the most points in the negotiation. The applicant should therefore know what is usually paid, what remuneration or tariff system exists in the organization, what the employer is likely to be willing to pay, what his performance is currently and worth in that place. As with any negotiation, it is crucial to have set your boundaries beforehand. Anyone who tends to buckle easily, ie to fall below their limit, must prepare specifically. Among other things, by keeping alternatives in mind in the event that the negotiation fails.

It can often be observed that applicants ask for a lower amount than the employer would have been willing to pay for the position. The employer will try to find out the applicant's salary expectations. This question is often linked to the question of the last salary paid. Then the question about the desired salary for the advertised position follows. Salary requests that are too high can already be a knockout criterion.

Salary negotiation for an existing employment relationship

When negotiating a raise, the negotiating situation is very different. Each negotiation usually only involves a 5 to 10% increase in salary. Threats of any kind in the event that one does not achieve the goal of the negotiation must be avoided in any case. An increase in salary by receiving tax-free benefits in kind, such as B. fuel vouchers or job tickets can reduce the employer's personnel costs and increase the employee's net income.

Who deals with the topic of salary negotiations?

The academic occupation with the topic of salary negotiations takes place in psychology . It affects sales psychology , which deals with recognizing needs and building values, and social psychology , which deals with the social situation of negotiation. However, this area is mainly researched by work, industrial and organizational psychology , and then by the sub-area of personnel psychology.

Basic knowledge about negotiation is also important for salary negotiations. For example, foot-in-the-door technology or the principle of focusing not on demands but on needs and striving for win-win situations in which negotiations are tough on the matter but softly towards people ( Harvard concept ). Negotiation methods and styles also differ significantly in terms of gender.

In addition to findings from social psychology, there are scientific results from work and organizational psychology (A&O psychology) and personnel placement . Salary negotiations are part of the area of ​​personnel selection and development . This area is scientifically worked on by both A&O psychologists and business economists ( human resource management ). People who mainly deal with the topic can be found primarily in the field of private employment agencies and with educational institutions for adult education . Here, the salary negotiation is a regular part of the so-called applicant training , which aims to prepare the customer as well as possible for the upcoming negotiations.

Individual evidence

  1. Andrea Ruppert, Martina Voigt: Salary and promotion: Myths - facts - models of successful negotiation. Shaker Verlag 2009


  • Jürgen Hesse, Hans Christian Schrader: Business & Career: The 100 most important tips for successful salary negotiation: For optimal preparation in the shortest possible time (2011), ISBN 978-3866683730
  • Claudia Kimich: Negotiating for money: Salary, fee and price - How to get what you deserve (2010), ISBN 978-3406608391

See also