Secret employee

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Secret employee ( GM for short ) was a category for unofficial employees of the secret service at the Ministry for State Security of the GDR .

The official MfS definition is as follows: “who are used for non-public cooperation with the state security organs and, thanks to their special connections with people who engage in hostile activity, are able to provide the organs of the ministry for state security with particularly valuable information to procure their espionage and other illegal, anti-democratic activities ”.

In 1968 they were renamed into two new IM categories: unofficial employees who work directly on the processing and unmasking of people suspected of hostility (IMV for short) and unofficial employees of internal defense with enemy connections to the operational area (IMF for short).

Individual evidence

  1. a b Secret Employee (GM). In: Round corner of Leipzig. Citizens Committee Leipzig eV, archived from the original on September 3, 2014 ; Retrieved September 3, 2014 .