Non-profit building company in Hildesheim

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Non-profit building company zu Hildesheim AG

legal form Corporation
founding 1892
Seat Hildesheim
management Jens Mahnken
Number of employees 60
Branch Real estate industry

The Gemeinnützige Baugesellschaft zu Hildesheim AG (gbg) is a German housing construction company based in the city of Hildesheim in Lower Saxony. With 4,400 residential and commercial units, gbg is the city's largest housing company. The city of Hildesheim is the sole shareholder of the stock corporation.


The first efforts to establish a housing association go back to 1886, when people moved from rural areas to booming cities. In these early years, people increasingly flocked to the city of Hildesheim to look for work. This section of the population, which was not well positioned economically, needed cheap and “healthy” workers' housing. Some committed Hildesheim citizens recognized this and tried to found a construction company for this rapidly growing population group. When the city council of Hildesheim was busy preparing for the founding, the founding act took place on October 20, 1892 in the Hildesheim town hall.

Administration building of the gbg

Shortly before the end of the war, on March 22, 1945, an air raid by British and Canadian bomber groups devastated large parts of the city center. Up to this point in time, the gbg had 665 houses with 1,399 apartments in its portfolio, according to the Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung. In November 1945 there were just 9,000 of the former 23,000 apartments in the city. In the first few years after the war, some of the surviving population lived in labor service barracks and huts that the British occupying forces had set up. Only after the currency reform in 1948 did the housing situation improve again. Reconstruction was already underway shortly after the end of the war. In 1949 around 50 topping-out ceremonies were celebrated every week. The first major construction projects of the gbg were not far from the St. Andreas Church and near the market in the city center. According to the Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung, the gbg built four million marks in 1949. After the inner city had taken on its first contours again, the city fathers started expanding the outskirts with the help of the housing association. In 1960 around 4,500 people moved into a new apartment in the Drispenstedt district. In 1963 the gbg completed several thousand residential units in single and multi-family houses here. The construction activity extended over several regions of the city, especially in the Ochtersum district.

Field of activity

Furthermore, the gbg invests in the energetic improvement of its holdings and projects new housing models in view of the demographic development, such as service living or communal living for rent.

The development of the housing stock for barrier-free or at least barrier-free access is another focus.

The gbg service housing complex in Hildesheim-Drispenstedt

In addition, the renovation of public facilities such as the theater for Lower Saxony or the local cinema as well as the construction of retirement homes or student apartments are among the fields of activity of the 61 employees of the gbg, which go beyond the original core task. The gbg trains the professional field of real estate agent.


  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Lord Mayor Ingo Meyer
  • Board of Directors: Jens Mahnken

Individual evidence

  1. ^ HAZ special supplement 50 years of reconstruction, October 1, 1999, page 3 ff.
  2. Gerstenbergsche Zeitung, No. 254 of October 29, 1942
  3. ^ Menno Aden, "Hildesheim lives", Gerstenberg-Verlag
  4. ^ HAZ special supplement 50 years of reconstruction, October 1, 1999, page 22 ff.
  • at home at the gbg, publication for the 100th anniversary, Hildesheim 1992, self-published

Web links

Commons : Gemeinnützige Baugesellschaft zu Hildesheim  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files