Marcus Simplicinius Genialis

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Marcus Simplicinius Genialis was a Roman knight in the 3rd century.

It is known from the inscription on the so-called Augsburg victory altar . After that, Simplicinius Genialis, who had the knightly rank vir perfectissimus , was acting governor for the actual senatorial office holder (agens vice praesidis) of the province of Raetia in 260 . On 24./25. In April of that year he defeated an army of the Semnones who had invaded the Roman Empire near Augsburg , and in September of that year he erected the altar of victory. Later, probably after the rule of the Gallic Empire over Raetia, Simplicinius Genialis probably fell to the Damnatio memoriae , because his name was erased from the victory altar. Perhaps he came from the province of Germania inferior .


  • Michel Christol : M. Simplicinius Genialis. Ses fonctions (vir perfectissimus, agens vice praesidis). In: Cahiers du Center Gustave Glotz. Volume 8, 1997, pp. 231-241 ( online ).
  • Ségolène Demougin: M. Simplicinius Genialis. Le personnage. In: Cahiers du Center Gustave Glotz. 8, 1997, pp. 229-230 ( online ).
  • Ségolène Demougin: Nouveautés pour les procurateurs des Gaules et des Germanies. In: Cahiers du Center Gustave Glotz. 9, 1998, pp. 219-227 (on Genialis pp. 226-227; online ).
  • Prosopographia Imperii Romani (PIR²) S 749.


  1. ^ AE 1993, 1231 .