Genetic Engineering Act (Switzerland)

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The Federal Act on Genetic Engineering in the Extra-Human Area , GTG for short , was passed on March 21, 2003 by the Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation .

The law should:

  • protect humans, animals and the environment from abuses of genetic engineering;
  • serve the well-being of humans, animals and the environment when applying genetic engineering.

It continued the

  • Articles 74 paragraph 1, 118 paragraph 2 letter a and 120 paragraph 2 of the Federal Constitution ( dignity of creatures ),
  • the Convention of June 5, 1992 on Biological Diversity
  • the Cartagena Protocol of 29 January 2000 on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity,
  • the Federal Council Dispatch of March 1, 2000
  • the report of the Commission for Science, Education and Culture of the Council of States of April 30, 2001


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