Court-affiliated mediation

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The court connected mediation and court near Mediation describes the relationship between mediation sverfahrens to the court proceedings . One can differentiate according to their proximity to court proceedings:

  • the regular Mediation : The mediation is performed as a separate process
  • The court-related mediation : Like regular mediation, court-related mediation is an independent procedure, which, however, is mediated on the initiative of the judge who is aware of the matter.
  • In- court mediation : As with in-court mediation, it is an isolated mediation process. In contrast to in-court mediation, however, in-court mediation is carried out by a fellow judge who is not authorized to discern the matter. In-court mediation is a subcategory of court-based mediation.
  • the court integrated mediation : it is a form of application of the integrated mediation. In contrast to regular mediation, court-integrated mediation can be used within court proceedings wherever there is a conflict.