Protected landscape component Härtlingsücken Rohrbachskopf

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The protected landscape component Härtlingsücken Rohrbachskopf with 1.23  hectares is located southeast of Langewiese in the urban area of Winterberg . The area was designated as a protected landscape component (LB) in 2008 when the Winterberg landscape plan was drawn up by the district council of the Hochsauerlandkreis .

Area description

It is the flat ridge of the Rohrbachskopf. Here a curved hardened ridge with low, open rock ribs emerges. It is overgrown by individual bushes and dwarf shrubs. The vegetation shows transitions to the high heath and the grass grass. The bristle grass lawn in the center of the demarcation is a legally protected biotope according to § 30 BNatSchG . To the north and south of it, the rocky hump turns into relatively species-rich poor grassland. Whereby the northeastern part has fallen fallow and shows the beginning of bushes with broom, raspberry and ear willow.


There were the landscape plan, the bid set:

  • “The protected landscape components are to be preserved through suitable maintenance measures, as long as the effort required is justified in consideration of their respective importance for nature and landscape. Such measures consist, in particular, of the professional treatment of damage and wounds, the removal of dead wood, the removal of root brood and (preventive) structural improvements to trees; Such measures are usually not necessary in the field trees, they should then be left to natural development. "


Individual evidence

  1. a b Landscape plan Winterberg, p. 173 ff. (PDF) Retrieved on November 15, 2019 .

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