Society public relations agencies

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The company Public Relations Agencies e. V. ( GPRA ) is the trade association for public relations and communication consulting companies in Germany.

The association based in Berlin was founded in 1974. The association develops services and programs to support the efficiency and quality of the affiliated companies. It wants to shape the process of opinion formation through the strategically planned, efficient and targeted use of communication media.


The association currently has 38 PR and communications consulting companies with over 70 offices nationwide and employing around 2000 people. Requirements for membership include: a. the company's proven track record (at least three years of industry experience), evidence of qualified and diversified PR / communication services (at least two regular customers) and a commercially serious working method (legally and economically independent company with more than three employees).

Whether these requirements are met, the services are available and the technical equipment meets the standard of a member agency, is checked by inspecting employment and customer contracts and at the on-site visit. In the event of a positive decision, an admission fee and an annual fee have to be paid.


The association is a member of the International Communications Consultancy Organization (ICCO), the global umbrella organization for PR and communications consultancy, in London. The German Council for Public Relations (DRPR) claims to be an organ of self-regulation of working in Germany PR -Fachleute. He was born in May 1987

Together with the German Public Relations Society and the Federal Association of Communicators , the GPRA has been the sponsor of the German Council for Public Relations (DRPR), an institution for voluntary self-regulation by PR professionals, since 1987 .

Christiane Schulz (President), Susanne Marell (Deputy President), Alexandra Groß and Thorsten Hebes are currently members of the Presidium. You have been in office since May 2017.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ District Court of Charlottenburg, register number VR 30846 B