German Public Relations Society

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German Public Relations Society (DPRG)
legal form registered association
Seat Berlin
founding 1958

place Berlin
Board Norbert Minwegen
Members 2,200

The German Public Relations Society (DPRG) is a professional association for communication managers and public relations specialists in Germany in the legal form of a registered association . It is based in Berlin and represents around 2,200 members.


The history of the DPRG is closely linked to the German history of public relations .

In 1958 u. a. Carl Hundhausen and Albert Oeckl founded the DPRG in Cologne . Hundhausen was its first president before Oeckl headed the company from 1961.

Profile and self-image

For decades, the DPRG was the largest industry association in the communications industry in Germany. In 2005, the recently founded Federal Association of Communicators (BdKom) challenged him for the position. In contrast to the BdKom, the DPRG sees itself as a professional association for PR specialists as a whole (i.e. also for employees from agencies or, for example, universities , not just those from companies, associations and political organizations).

The DPRG defines PR as follows:

"Public relations conveys points of view and enables orientation in order to create and secure the political, economic and social scope of action of people or organizations in the process of public opinion formation. Public relations plans and controls communication processes for people and organizations with them Affinity groups in the public. Ethically responsible public relations / public relations structures information transfer and dialogue in accordance with the free-democratic order of values ​​and in accordance with applicable PR codes. Public relations / public relations is commissioned communication. In a pluralistic society, it accepts conflicting information. It represents its interests Client in dialogue informative and truthful, open and competent.It should create publicity, sharpen the judgment of dialogue groups, build and strengthen trust and ensure fair conflict communication. It gives both sides insight and causes behavioral corrections. It serves the democratic play of forces. "

The main concerns of the association are the systematic exchange of experiences, the promotion of young talent and quality assurance.

The association members are obliged to adhere to the internationally agreed PR codes of ethics, Code de Lisbonne and Code d'Athènes . Together with the company Public Relations Agencies e. V. (GPRA) and the Federal Association of Communicators (BdKom), the DPRG has been the sponsor of the German Council for Public Relations (DRPR), an institution for voluntary self-regulation by PR professionals, since 1987 .

The association awards numerous prizes, including the International German PR Prize , the DPRG Science Prize for outstanding theses and the DPRG JuniorAWARD practice prize .

Internationally, the DPRG is linked through membership of the global alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management (GA) and International Public Relations Association (IPRA) .


Norbert Minwegen has been president of the DPRG since June 2014. At the general assembly in June 2017, he was re-elected with the entire board for a further three-year term of office. He chairs the ten-person body.

Geographically, the DPRG is divided into national and regional groups that differ greatly in size, activity and influence. In addition, there are various working groups and specialist groups on topics such as " Digital Transformation ", "Internal Communication, Change and Leadership", "Health Communication" or "Crisis and Issues Management".

Web links

Individual evidence
