Society of Perennial Friends

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The Society of Staudenfreunde (GdS) is a registered association with approx. 4800 members, 95% of them from Germany. It has 41 regional groups and 13 specialist groups (currently bulbs and rhizomes, grasses, hosta, lilies, sempervivum / jovibarba, rock garden and alpine perennials, wild perennials, ferns, hemerocallis, irises, peonies, swamp and water perennials).

The non-profit association has set itself the task of promoting the spread of perennials in private gardens and public facilities, preserving and developing knowledge about this group of plants and making it accessible to the general public, providing a forum for discussions and exchanging experiences, new developments and To present breeding results, to provide information about specialist literature and sources of supply.

This is achieved through the following activities:

  • Quarterly magazine “der Staudengarten” with reports, features, lots of photos and current event information
  • Annual seed exchange campaign
  • Exhibitions or participation in exhibitions
  • Active regional groups with lectures, garden tours, plant swapping, garden trips
  • Supraregional specialist groups
  • Perennial evaluations
  • Own publications, for example "Perennial diversity", "Trillium", Gentiana - gentians and related genera, Latin lesson for plant lovers, brochure: Open gardens.

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