Society for Arabic and Islamic Law

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The Society for Arab and Islamic Law eV (GAIR) is a scientific association founded in 1997 in Bonn, which deals with legal systems and legal practices of the European and Islamic, especially the Arab region. It organizes specialist conferences, symposiums and seminars. The publications she has edited include  articles on Islamic law and the Zeitschrift für Recht und Islam .

Board of Directors and Board of Trustees

The board of directors of GAIR eV and the advisory board of trustees include Islamic and legal scholars as well as practicing lawyers who deal with normative questions about Islam and / or Middle Eastern law.

1st chairperson
2nd chairman
  • Hatem Elliesie (2009-present)
  • Omaia Elwan (1997-2009)
Chair of the Board of Trustees
  • Peter Scholz (2018-present)
  • Hilmar Krüger (2003-2018)
  • Ernst Klingmüller (2001-2003)


The members meet at least once a year for specialist events that have been taking place since 1998 at different locations and with different topics.


In the publication series Contributions to Islamic Law , within the series Leipzig Contributions to Orient Research , the conference volumes of the Society for Arab and Islamic Law appear regularly.

The Zeitschrift für Recht & Islam / Journal of Law & Islam ( ZRI ) was founded in 2009 as GAIR-Mitteilungen and has existed since then as a free, open-access specialist journal on legal issues in the context of the Islamic religion, Islamic law and legal systems with Islamic elements or which refer to Islamic elements.


  • Mathias Rohe: The Society for Arab and Islamic Law: 10 Years in the Retrospective, in: Hatem Elliesie (ed.), Islam und Menschenrechte / Islam and Human Rights / الإسلام و حقوق الإنسان (Leipzig Contributions to Orient Research, Volume 26 , Contributions to Islamic Law VII), Frankfurt a. M. / New York et al. 2010, pp. 31–33.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leipzig contributions to research on the Orient. September 1, 1993. Retrieved October 23, 2019 .