Social awareness

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The social consciousness is the totality of the spiritual life, especially the knowledge of a company (in the general sense of socialized humanity) in all its forms and content, such as myths, religions, morals, law, sciences, arts, ideologies. Social consciousness is also referred to as collective consciousness, general consciousness, or mass consciousness (in the French conscience collective) or consciousness in the derived sense. Social awareness is historically determined. Social awareness arises from the interpersonal communication processes between people. It is not simply the sum of the individual consciousnesses of all people.

While the individual consciousness has a subjective character, the social consciousness has an objective character, i.e. it is independent of the consciousness of the individual subject. Consciousness is the more or less good reflection of being (environment), while soul , psyche and spirit are fuzzy concepts that relate more to the subject and cannot be directly traced back to being.

Social consciousness is understood as a correlate to social being and leads to the basic question of philosophy .

Types of social consciousness

The term social consciousness is used in different ways, in particular politico-economic, sociological and generally philosophical. When creating awareness, society is, on the one hand, the knowing subject and, on the other hand, the object to be known ( subject-object relation ), so a distinction must be made between the consciousness of society and the consciousness about society. This results in different types of social awareness:

1. Awareness of society

1.1. individual (personal) awareness of society, such as class standpoint

1.2. Society's awareness of society, such as ideologies, religions, social sciences, etc., in the sense of society's self-confidence

1.3. Group, class awareness (class awareness, class point of view)

2. Society awareness

2.1. corresponds to 1.2.

2.2. Awareness of society about everything (general awareness of nature and society, such as natural and social sciences, etc.)


Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was probably the first to deal with the content of social consciousness in his work “Phenomenology of the Spirit” by introducing the term “Absolute Spirit” there.

Karl Marx asserted in his work " On the Critique of Political Economy ": It is not the consciousness of people that determines their being, but, conversely, their social being that determines their consciousness ". The term “awareness. which Karl Marx used so casually, was soon transformed into the term "social consciousness" and introduced into scientific discourse by AA Bogdanov. If Karl Marx refers to social consciousness in political and economic terms, then in the sense of the self-consciousness of society. Epistemologically, social consciousness is the general consciousness of socialized humanity.

Individual evidence

  1. Consciousness. In: Wulff D. Rehfus (Hrsg.): Short dictionary philosophy. 1st edition. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht / UTB, 2003, ISBN 3-8252-8208-2 .
  2. objective and social awareness. In: A. Kosing: Marxist dictionary of philosophy. Verlag am Park, Berlin 2015.
  3. objective and social awareness. In: Georg Klaus, Manfred Buhr (Hrsg.): Philosophical dictionary. 11th edition. Leipzig 1975.
  4. U. Hellmann, A. Rarog (Ed.): Points of contact in German and Russian criminal law studies. Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2013, pp. 179–180.