Law to ensure equal opportunities at Hessian universities

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Basic data
Title: Law to ensure
equal opportunities
at Hessian universities
Type: State Law
Scope: Hesse
Legal matter: Special administrative law , university law
Issued on: June 18, 2008
( GVBl. I p. 764)
Entry into force on: July 1, 2008
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

With the law to ensure equal opportunities at Hessian universities , the state of Hesse abolished the tuition fees at Hessian universities introduced for the winter semester 2007/2008 from the winter semester 2008/2009 .

The parliamentary groups of the SPD and Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen introduced the bill to the Hessian state parliament. As a justification, they had stated that it was disputed whether tuition fees could be reconciled with the Hessian constitution and that only the waiver of the charging of tuition fees would guarantee fair access to the university.

With the law to ensure equal opportunities at Hessian universities , two existing laws were changed and a new law was promulgated. The amendment to the Hessian Tuition Fee Act , tuition fees have been abolished, in Hesse as tuition fees had been designated. The Hessian Student Credit Act , which introduced fees for long-term students , was repealed. In order to limit the abuse of student status despite the discontinuation of tuition fees for long-term students, the universities have been given the opportunity to de-register students in the absence of performance certificates through amendments to the Hessian Higher Education Act. In the case of second courses and after exceeding the standard period of study, the universities are even obliged to review the performance records.

The law for the improvement of the quality of study conditions and teaching at Hessian universities , promulgated as Article 3, ensures that the revenues lost to the universities due to the discontinuation of tuition fees totaling EUR 52 million per semester are covered by funds from the state budget. The distribution of the funds among the universities is proportional to the number of students. The allocation of funds within the universities is carried out by the newly introduced allocation commissions of the Senate, in which half of the members come from among the students.


  • Law to ensure equal opportunities at Hessian universities . In: the laws and ordinances of the state of Hesse · Part I . Year 2008, No. 12 , June 30, 2008, p. 764–765 ( [PDF; 76 kB ; accessed on December 30, 2018] Act contained in Article 3).
  • Urgent draft law of the parliamentary groups of the SPD and BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN for a law to ensure equal opportunities at Hessian universities . In: Hessian Landtag - printed matter . 17th electoral term, printed matter 17/15, April 4, 2008 ( [PDF; 81 kB ; accessed on December 30, 2018]).

Individual evidence

  1. Hessian Higher Education Act §59. Accessed December 30, 2018 .
  2. Law to ensure equal opportunities at Hessian universities . In: the laws and ordinances of the state of Hesse · Part I . Year 2008, No. 12 , June 30, 2008, p. 764–765 ( [PDF; 76 kB ; accessed on December 30, 2018] Act contained in Article 3).