Secured Commercial Strategic Sea Transport

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The Secured Commercial Strategic Sea Transport (GGSS) is a performance-based cooperation relationship between the Federal Republic of Germany and Denmark and a private company.

The Bundeswehr and the Danish armed forces have signed a contract with a private Danish shipping company, Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab . In this contract, the Bundeswehr secured transport capacities on roll-on / roll-off ships as part of the ARK project .

On the one hand, the Bundeswehr books certain capacities for a fixed period of time ( charter ) and, on the other hand, can use additional transport space with contractually agreed call-off times (reserve charter ). It is a use case of public-private partnership .


Individual evidence

  1. Detlef Selhausen : External security. In: Otto Depenheuer , Bruno Kahl (Hrsg.): Staatseigentum. Legitimation and Limits. (= Library of Property. Volume 15. Ed. By Otto Depenheuer on behalf of the German Property Foundation ). Springer, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-662-54307-8 , pp. 275-283 (281).