Gestalt criticism

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The magazine Gestaltkritik is next to the magazine " Gestalttherapie " the most important periodical in the field of Gestalt therapy .

The journal publishes interviews , text excerpts and articles from the current discussion of Gestalt therapy. This magazine is of particular importance through a series of first publications in German translation from English. The journal sees itself as a critical organ in accompanying the development of Gestalt therapy in Germany .

As an organ of the training institute for gestalt therapy in Cologne, the magazine is also advertising space for training institutes and authors . Despite this limitation, the journal is an important forum for authors and theorists within the Gestalt therapist and publicist practicing Gestalt therapy.

The magazine appeared until 2011 with a circulation of 16,000 issues per issue. It was published for the first time in 1992 by Erhard Doubrawa . All articles are available in full on the Internet.

Since 2012, the 21st year of the magazine, there have been changes in the publication practice: the two issues of the respective year are initially published online, and then appear at the end of the year as a “Gestalt Critic Yearbook” in book form with around 250 pages. The yearbook is also available by subscription.

Authors (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Foreword by the editor, Erhard Doubrawa, to No. 1/2012 [1]

Web links