Cousin Michel was there last night

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Last night, cousin Michel was there , the second verse of the title of a German folk song that was written around the middle of the 18th century .

The characteristic melody brings out repeated repetitions of the same motif at different pitches. Therefore cousin Michel also a synonym for Schuster spot or Rosalie needed


Cousin Michel was here last night, Cousin Michel was there
yesterday evening.
Cousin Michel was here last
night, he was there last night .
One said no, the other yes,
Cousin Michel probably said no and yes.
Cousin Michel was here last
night, he was there last night .

Cousin Michel was here last night, Cousin Michel was there
yesterday evening.
Father was sitting at the stove and grumbling.
Last night, cousin Michel grumbled.
Cousin Michel with the bag
rings , father laughs, cousin Michel catches.
Cousin Michel was here last
night, he was there last night .

Cousin Michel was here last night, Cousin Michel was there
yesterday evening.
The mother sat at her bike,
Cousin Michel stepped into the room.
He chatted, he chatted,
That was what the woman wanted .
Cousin Michel was here last
night, he was there last night .

Cousin Michel was here last night, Cousin Michel was there
yesterday evening.
The brothers all came over, and
cousin Michel talked various things;
To him it was the horse, to him it was the dog,
Cousin Michel can do everything.
Cousin Michel was here last
night, he was there last night .

Cousin Michel was here last night, Cousin Michel was there
yesterday evening.
Cousin Michel was here last night,
he grabbed the girl by the knee,
the girl laughs, the girl screams, it is
cousin Michel who is free.
Cousin Michel was here last
night, he was there last night .

Impact history

Various composers have dealt with the song musically, e.g. B. Georg Schumann with his orchestral variations on Vetter Michel op. 74. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe refers to the song in his poem Muses and Graces in the Mark , and Clemens Brentano in Der Musikanten heavy wine tongue .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Quoted from: Karl Simrock : The German People's Books collected and restored to their original authenticity , Vol. 8, Frankfurt am Main, 1851