Tidal delta

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The Ganges Delta from orbit

In a tidal delta , sedimentation from the water of the flowing river and erosion from the sea from the tidal currents work together.


  • Strong dissection from tidal currents
  • Estuary sandbanks are shifted sideways and elongated bars are formed
  • Sediments are mostly shifted parallel to the coast
  • Widening of at least some estuaries to form estuaries


Tidal range in Ponta do Céu: 0.4 - 4.6 m (max.)
Tidal range in Calcutta : 1.34 - 3.46 m, max. 5.91 m
Tide swings:
Tidal range of neighboring ports:
  • Quelimane 1.14 - 4.09 m, max. 4.95 m
  • Beira 1.46 - 5.97 m, max. 6.93 m

See also


  • Frank Ahnert, Introduction to Geomorphology, 4th edition, 2009, ISBN 978-3-8001-2907-2 (Ulmer) / ISBN 978-3-8252--8103-8 (UTB), February 17, 7, Ästuardelta
  1. [1] in Portuguese, click on the calendar day by day
  2. Tide Forecast: Calcutta
  3. Tide Forecast: Antwerp
  4. Tide Forecast: Rotterdam
  5. Tide Forecast: Quelimane
  6. Tide Forecast: Beira