Giovanni Bracesco

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Esposizione di Geber filosofo , 1551

Giovanni Bracesco (* around 1481; † around 1555) was an Italian doctor and alchemist from the Brescia area .

He wrote alchemical interpretations of ancient mythology in the style of the time. In his L'Esposizione di Geber filosopho of 1546, a certain Démogorgon (a mythical figure borrowed from the work of Giovanni Boccaccio ) discusses with the alchemists Geber and Lull . It also appeared in Latin as De Alchemia Dialogi Duo 1548, whereby the second dialogue had also appeared separately and is about an elixir to prolong life ( Il Legno della Vita , Rome 1542). The writing was widely used, was reprinted several times and was reprinted by Guglielmo Gratorolo (Verae Alchemiae, Basel 1561) and in the Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa .


  • Andrzej Nowicki: Giovanni Bracesco e l'antropologia di Giordano Bruno. (In appendice il dialogo Lignum vitae), Logos, 1969/3, pp. 589-627.
  • Giuliano Gliozzi: Giovanni Bracesco. Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, XIII (1971), pp. 654-655.
  • Sylvain Matton: La figure de Démogorgon dans la littérature alchimique. In Didier Kahn, Sylvain Matton (ed.): Alchimie: art, histoire et mythes. Actes du Ier colloque international de la Société d'Étude de l'Histoire de l'Alchimie, S.É.HA-ARCHè, 1995 (Textes et Travaux de Chrysopœia, 1), pp. 265-346
  • Alfredo Perifano: L'Alchimie à la cour de Côme Ier de Médicis: savoirs, culture et politique. Champion, 1997, pp. 24-26.
  • Francesca Cortesi Bosco: Per la biografia dell'alchimista Giovanni Bracesco da Orzinuovi e un enigma di alchimia. Bergomum, 92 (1997), pp. 7-25.
  • Alfredo Perifano: Sous le voile de la tradition alchimique: de l'auctoritas à la création de texte. Considérations autour de La esposizione di Geber filosofo (1544) de Giovanni Bracesco, In: S. Leoni, A. Perifano (eds.): Création et Mémoire dans la culture italienne (XVe - XVIIe siècles). Actes de la journée d'études de Besançon 6 November 1997. Besançon, Presses Universitaires Franc-Comtoises - Annales Littéraires de l'Université de Franche-Comté, n ° 718, 2001, pp. 39-50
  • John Ferguson: Bibliotheca Chemica. Volume 1, 1907, p. 122ff

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