Plaster mill Mössingen

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Gipsmühle Mössingen, 2012
Plaster mill Mössingen, around 1900

The Mössingen gypsum mill is a former watermill on the Steinlach in Mössingen , Spitalgasse 11, which ceased operations in 1933.


The building cadastre from 1823 lists a two-story oil, grinding and gypsum mill with a hemp grater on the Hornsteg, but historical field names such as “Mühlgaß” and “im Unterwässerle” suggest that the history of this mill begins much earlier. The current building dates from 1836 and was initially used as a grinding mill and hemp grater, but since 1894 the focus has been on gypsum production.

A large barn stood next to the mill from 1837 to 1976, and next to it the so-called “Spittel”, which burned down in 1908, probably a former hospital, in which the poor, the elderly and the mentally disturbed were once housed. This is also indicated by the historical place names "near Veitenbrunnen" or "near Veitensteg", after St. Veit , the patron saint of the sick and suffering.

Individual evidence

  1. a b project group "Living and Working in Mössingen": Gipsmühle and Spittel. (PDF; 632 kB) 2007.

Coordinates: 48 ° 24 '29.7 "  N , 9 ° 3' 49.9"  E