Transparent production

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Numerous farms open their doors as part of the transparent production

The Glass production is an action of the agricultural administration in Baden-Wuerttemberg. As part of the Transparent Production, agricultural businesses give an insight into their work and the production processes in the local agriculture and food industry from the field to the shop counter.

The transparent production is usually organized by the agricultural departments of the respective district offices and the Ministry for Food and Rural Areas of Baden-Württemberg as well as the state-owned MBW Marketinggesellschaft mbH. These open days have been held in companies in the Baden-Württemberg districts since 1991. The aim of Transparent Production is to further consolidate consumer confidence in local agriculture and to demonstrate its services for supplying the population with high-quality food and maintaining the cultural landscape.

In addition to detailed information and exhibitions, visitors to the Transparent Production are usually also offered a courtyard festival with many activities. Agricultural interest groups provide information on site about their commitment to the profession.

In Baden-Württemberg around 400 companies - agricultural and food-craft - open their doors for "Transparent Production" every year.

Transparent production in potato cultivation
Agricultural interest groups provide information on Transparent Production

Web links


  1. Checklist of the Ministry of Food and Rural Areas