Simultaneity correlation

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The (psychophysiological) simultaneity correlation is a term from psychosomatics . According to Franz Alexander (1971), every emotional state has its own physiological syndrome . Sympathetic excitement generally makes one ready for action and active intervention. Continuous arousal can occur in the case of anger and hostility or competition. This can lead to migraines , heart neurosis , high blood pressure or an overactive thyroid . Parasympathetic arousal occurs with withdrawal or in dependency relationships. Persistent parasympathetic arousal occurs in the case of regressive striving (need for dependency) or if the search for help is not satisfied. The correlating syndromes are diarrhea , exhaustion or intestinal diseases .


  • Harald Schultz-Hencke The simultaneity correlation. In: Schultz-Hencke H, ed. Textbook of analytical psychotherapy. Stuttgart: Thieme; 1951: 272-293.
  • Franz Alexander Psychosomatic Medicine. Basics and areas of application. Berlin: de Gruyter; 1971 (1951).